It's Summer Time

Summer, Summer, Summer!

        This is a time to relax, travel and have some fun! Well, when you run your own business taking a 2 month vacation is not a great thing to do. Even if you are not partying in house find those FB parties that you can do no matter where you are. Keep you customers engaged, yes it can be a struggle, but you never know what, who or where your next sale, customer or hostess may come from. Your job is to stay present in their minds. Sales for large corporations struggle as well during this time, but this is the lead into the biggest selling season of the year and if you have not stayed up with your customers it is going to be tough.

     The most important thing is to just keep going. It may not be at the same speed as other times, but don't sit back and not try. Set a summer goal no matter how big or small hold yourself accountable to stay present you might actually surprise yourself. I mean, don't you want the extra money to have fun with your family this summer as well?

 On our FB page I posted a link where we could generate and share some ideas on how we can make July successful! I would love for you to put anything on there. We are not in this alone and we have so many great ideas, let's share them.

Here is the link in case you missed it. All you ave to do it click the little pink circle in the bottom right corner to open up a new area to type.


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