Systems Day #2

Systems Day #2

Ok so now you have everything you need to keep track of, it's time to talk about the HOW! This really depends on your personality. Are you a paper person? Spreadsheets, notebooks, binders, scraps of paper or digital?  I thought for a long time I was digital, but I am a paper person! 

It is so worth it to me to print things off. I just recently came across Senior Director, Rachael Lujbli post on our leadership page which transpired this whole, blog teaching/talking thing.

So what I love most that I will be implementing from her system is her business card and prize slips from vendor events.  I already have my own binder system I will be sharing later.  

Enjoy and at the end of this week. I want you to take things from each of these systems and get yourself together. 

Here is the link to her video
Rachael Lujbil System for follow up

Here is my binder system as well
Julie's Follow-Up Binders

Tomorrow we will get into follow-up and when, where and how. 


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